Hi, my name is Art Young
I'm a Software Engineer

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About me

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I have a BS in Computer Engineering and over 6 years of professional experience in many roles within the Software Development Life Cycle, including Consultant, Developer, Project Manager, and Solutions Architect. At heart, I'm a problem solver.

I've helped my clients improve their business processes and enhance their software products with a comprehensive approach to front and back-end application code, infrastructure, security, and integrated services.

I'm passionate about discovering and learning the newest tools and technologies in the fast-moving space of software development. Check out some of my personal projects below!



Full-stack web application built with Node, Express, MongoDB. Yelp-clone website to post and review campsites. Styled with Bootstrap. RESTful routing, authentication and authorization with Passport.js. Hosted on Heroku with database on MongoDB Atlas.

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Abroad For Now

Not so much a development project - more of an account of my experiences and observations. In 2019, I traveled to Asia for six months and wrote about it here. Hosted on Wordpress.

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If you're interested in working with me, reach out below!
